Gavin Salam's web
Ordercite is a small program to help you establish whether your bibliography (references) is in the same order as the citations to it (in a LaTeX document). Originally in C++ (v2) it has now been rewritten in perl (v3) to give increased functionality (automatic reordering of references).

It either confirms that all is OK or prints out two columns corresponding to the order of the citations (first appearance) and that of the references. If the order is wrong but all citations are resolved (and there are no uncited references) then it produces a new file with the references sorted into the correct order. With the "-nochecks" option (new in v3.1), the new file is created even if references are missing or uncited.

Download current version: ordercite (v3.1).

Place the file ordercite in your bin directory, and make it executable with "chmod +x ordercite" (you may also need to edit the path for perl in the first line of the file -- you can find out what the local path is by typing "which perl").

To run it, type "ordercite filename.tex". Running it without any arguments will give more detailed usage instructions.

Example output (entries flagged with a * are those that need to be re-ordered):

                    citations               references
   1                     BFKL                     BFKL
   2                     HERA                     HERA
   3                    DGLAP                    DGLAP
   4                    NLLFL                    NLLFL
   5                    NLLCC                    NLLCC
   6                 BLUMVOGT                 BLUMVOGT
   7                   ROSS98                   ROSS98
   8                  LEVIN98                  LEVIN98
   9                Salam1998                Salam1998
  10                       CC                       CC
  11                     CCS1                     CCS1
  12                  ABF2000                  ABF2000
  13                   THORNE                   THORNE
  14                  SCHMIDT                  SCHMIDT
  15                    BFKLP                    BFKLP
  16                    JKCOL                    JKCOL
  17                Lipatov86                Lipatov86
  18                     CC97                     CC97
  19                  GAMSTAR                  GAMSTAR
  20                     CCS2                     CCS2
  21                    CCSS2                    CCSS2
  22                    CCSS1                    CCSS1
  23               KOVMUELLER               KOVMUELLER
  24                      ABB                      ABB
  25                    LEVIN                    LEVIN
  26                      CMT                      CMT
  27                    KTFAC               renormalon *
  28                    KTSUB                Salam1999 *
  29                       FM                    KTFAC *
  30                Bartels02                    KTSUB *
  31                 BaCoGiKy                       FM *
  32               BoMaSaSc97                Bartels02 *
  33                     CCS3                 BaCoGiKy *
  34                Salam1999                  ABF2001 *
  35                  ABF2001               FORWARDJET *
  36               FORWARDJET                      AGS *
  37                      AGS                      KMS *
  38                      KMS                   Ciaf88 *
  39                   Ciaf88                  KMS1997 *
  40                  KMS1997                      CC1 *
  41                CCSSlater                     CCS3 *
  42                                        BoMaSaSc97 *
  43                     hr92                CCSSlater *
  44                   FRBook                     hr92 *
  45                   DL2pom                   FRBook *
  46               renormalon                 Hautmann *
  47                 Hautmann                   DMWEEC *
  48                   DMWEEC                   DL2pom *
  49                  ktscale                          *
  50                      CC1                          *
  51                      ...                          *
Citations that are missing in the references:

References that are not cited:

Gavin Salam

Last modified: Mon Sep 6 14:50:16 CEST 2004